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Instant Access: Heal Your Heartbreak Talk

Instant Access: Heal Your Heartbreak Talk

An invitation to uncover the sacred in a broken heart. Heartbreak is our heart’s way of telling us that we are made for other things. Within it is a deeper truth. Your experience doesn't define you: love is behind everything. A talk on an expansive secret of the universe.

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Kind words from listeners

"It's usually easy for me to leave reviews. However this for me was so profoundly catalytic that I'm finding it hard to form words. I came to this feeling great tension, sadness, anxiety, unworthiness and betrayal from a recent breakup. After listening I now feel calm, peaceful; I realize that the breakup is introducing me to my true self and is clearing the path for me to live a
deeply fulfilling life. Thank you."


"This was very insightful. Thank you for educating me on heartbreak."

"One of the most helpful talks I’ve heard. Thank you."